Michael Chad Shober
Certified English teacher profile

Michael Chad Shober TEFL certificate Michael Chad TEFL certificate



My teaching approach

My Teaching Method




Finding the best way to teach students has been a challenge for a long time. Each student has a different way of learning, due to learning disabilities and various needs of individuals. How does the teacher find the best teaching method that works for all students? There is nothing more frustrating than having students fall behind because they do not understand the material. If a teacher is doing their best to help their students, they will find a way to connect with them in order to learn.

There are many celebrities that have made attempts to find that special connections with students. People like Jim Henson who created the muppets and Sesame Street. Bill Gospel who made shows like the Electric Company, Fat Albert, Cosby Kids and many other shows. Children are bombarded with cartoons on education and toys like Leap Frog and basic building blocks as one of their first toys.

It is important that all the students are understood, so you need to be able to interpret how students respond to the teacher in class while learning the material. Being able to listen and watch a child you can determine what their needs and wants are to learning. The behaviourist method and conversationalists method, I think are best when they student is able to learn vocabulary and understanding the activities. When the Students are comfortable they will know and understand the material. They will want to contribute in class and share their ideas with their peers.

I do not think there is “one” right way. If teachers can get to know their students and how they learn that is a big step in the right direction. As teachers we need to know what motivates, opportunity, environment and personality of students. We see you tube videos of how teachers have changed their style of teaching to inspire and motivate students. These approaches have definitely grabbed their attention and they seem to be learning. John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner are the fathers of the Behaviorist approach to learning. Watson believe that human behavior resulted from specific stimuli that elicited certain responses. Skinner's model was based on the premise that satisfying responses are conditioned, while unsatisfying one are not.

The teacher has to play many parts to understand student,s personalities and needs. Students need to feel motivated in order to learn and to trust the teacher. I identify most to the play maker style. The teacher steps in to help and work one on one with the students. The teacher asks the student questions that help them to remember what they have learned. Together, teacher and student, can reach the goals of the class and that of the students' goal of learning English.

I like both the Berlitz method and the Oxbridge. The use of gestures and animation in the classroom goes a long way to motivate students. This makes me think of the film Robin Williams played a Professor in Dead Poet's Society. He brought poetry and English literature to life and the students lives were transformed. Likewise, the use of vocabulary to remember words and their meaning is also beneficial. If students do not know a word gestures and role-playing is a great way for them to understand. The students may laugh at the teachers attempt to get them to understand but he has gained their attention through humour.

One of the best ways to illustrate this is to repeat the activity that the teacher is teaching. Good morning, Joe. How are you? The students practice with each other. Teacher then asks, Where are you going today? SS then responds with the appropriate response. Teacher will then add he, she, we, or they. Example, they went to the bank. Students take turns asking each other each other and making changes by adding he or she. Another example of this approach, if learning music and trying to remember the notes on the staff. TT would draw a music staff. The spaces spell F A C E. For FACE which helps in quickly recalling the notes in the spaces. To learn the notes on the lines, E-G-B-D-F. Which reads Every Good Boy Does Fine. Again, SS can quickly recall notes on a scale and have fun memorizing.

My approach with adults would be quite different. I would base vocabulary words on their type of career. This will help them in talking to new clients and having meeting. The target language helps them to better recall English words while they perform their work. It makes what they've learned in class more practical.

I believe the teacher should be proactive in the learning process and well as the students. I want teachers to use primarily the behaviourist theory and the model theory. Teachers need to use videos, cut outs, flash cards, body language to assist with the learning. Students need to also engage in their learning process not just in the classroom but at home. In class have students act out one of the exercises or a learning tool being taught that day. An example homework assignment, create and assignment that the children can sit down with their parents to learn together. For an adult learner create an assignment for them to take home to their children or spouse. If we can make learning exciting students will want to come to class.

If I'm teaching children I want to get on the floor with them. Meet them at their level. I want to help them overcome learning disabilities or family difficulties that may hinder their ability to learn. Just like adults children want to be reassured that they are safe so they are not afraid to be creative and share with fellow classmates. Adults want to know that they are being heard and given an opportunity to succeed. I want to make adults feel empowered and feel a sense of accomplishment as they learn a new language.

In my Syllabus I would start out with a story or video pertaining to the lesson. Their would be discussion on the video while incorporating target language. SS would then have a chance to role-play what they have learned. Vocabulary and definitions would be introduced matching the definitions to the correct vocabulary word. Ending with a time of questions from the TT pertaining to the lesson and with an explanation of homework.

As a teacher I hope to inspire and motivate my students. I want to take them places in their imagination to invoke creativity and learning. And if I am not able to achieve this I hope that they have been able to reach their goals and learn a new language. As Nelson Mandela once said, “ Education is the most powerful weapon we can use

to change the world”.