Eve Russell
Certified English teacher profile

Eve Russell TEFL certificate Eve TEFL certificate


I am open-minded, outgoing, flexible and hard-working. I like to consider myself as a people person and enjoy learning new cultures and languages.


Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Galileo operating systems. Anatomy, Physiology and Massage. Reflexology

My teaching approach

My approach to teaching

Eve Russell
The English language has a unique and dominant role to play in the world. There are an estimated 1 billion people in the world that can speak English either as a native language or a second language (Wikipedia).
There are many different aims when teaching English and it might differ when teaching it to native speakers or second language speakers. This blog post is going to focus on the aims of teaching English to second language learners.
As a teacher, my ultimate goal is to help my students reach their goals and targets and to enable them to confidently use and speak English going forward. Using my own experience in learning I feel the best approach to use is the Oxbridge approach. I feel the Oxbridge approach best encompasses what the teaching process and environment needs to be, to allow the student to thrive and meet their goals
It’s good practice for an ESL teacher to write down the aims and objectives of a course or even a class. It’s not so common to think about the aims of teaching English in general. Basically, the ultimate aim is for the student to be able to communicate effectively in English. This aim can be split into lots of smaller objectives.
Each student will have a different reason for wanting to learn English, and teachers must take into consideration that they will have their own individual personalities, strengths and weaknesses. It is important for the teachers to...
Remain positive
Stay patient
Consider each individuals personal strengths and weaknesses
Remain upbeat and have fun
Build rapport
Correct students accordingly, whilst protecting their pride/feelings
Show respect
English language has been broken down into four macro skills...
Areas of language are...
Methods I prefer to use are a mixture of the direct method and the total physical response method TPR mainly because they're enjoyable, easy to follow and can be taught at all levels and ages.