Vishwas Rudramurthy
Certified English teacher profile

Vishwas Rudramurthy TEFL certificate Vishwas TEFL certificate


Vishwas has more than 10 years of IT experience working on various projects related to Information Security and Network Security projects


Programming languages C, C++, Java, Oracle, .net, Python, English language

My teaching approach

My Approach to Teach English:


Before we begin teaching English to the students, it`s very important to understand the different levels of students and the relevant levels of English to be taught for the same students. The different levels of English taught to the students are described as follows: a) S1: It`s the English level taught to the beginner level students, b) P2T: It`s the English level taught to the students who are just transitioning from beginner level to intermediate level, c) P2: It`s the English level taught to the students at the lower intermediate level, d) P3: It`s the English level taught to the students at the intermediate level, e) P4: It`s the English level taught to the students at the higher intermediate level and f) P5: It`s the English level taught to the students at the advanced/amazing level. We want the students to learn the English language as their first language and to be competent with the second language/mother tongue they have learnt previously. We want to make the students to be comfortable in speaking the English language as fluent as their second language/mother tongue. We would expect the students to understand and acquire the basic language skills in order to be competent to perceive and comprehend the English language, as well as utilize the required words and sentences for the day-to-day communication fluently. I would consider the student needs by understanding their necessity to learn English in order to overcome their difficulty in communicating with English speaking friends/colleagues. The English language has become mandatory for all the students to learn as they don`t have prior knowledge related to same language.


The students need basic motivation in learning English language in terms of sponsoring fees for their course, providing the required guidance, providing them an opportunity to realize their dreams/goals, etc. There are several affecting factors students will have in learning English language like: a) Understanding the basic necessity of English language, b) Investing sufficient time for learning English language, c) identifying and realizing their dreams/goals after learning English language, etc. We would focus on the following skills in learning the English language: a) Listening skills, b) Reading skills, c) Writing Skills and d) Communicating skills. We would give importance to English language by focusing on several areas like morphology, functions, syntax, semantics and pragmatics which are also the different branches of linguistics which will help students to learn English language as quickly as possible. One of the most useful tools in briefing English language to students is with the help of syllabus. A syllabus describes the outline and summary of topics to be covered as part of the English language course. The syllabus will be descriptive in nature (which will cover most of the topics related to English language) and we have to make sure that the curriculum objectives are clear that will help students to achieve their goals related to English language. A syllabus will describe specific information about the course, like the outline of what topics will be covered in the course; a schedule of the topics covered as part of the curriculum relevant to different dates; etc. A session can never be success story unless and until we have not prepared well for the class, and just encouraging students about the topic will not help them to learn the topic. Thus, we can help students to learn the topic only when teachers have prepared well for the class. Also, it`s only possible for teachers to have well-prepared class only when we have built a well-structured curriculum that meets the goals and objectives of the English language course.


  A class will be structured in terms of the following sections irrespective of any topic which should be briefed in more detail: a) Introduction, b) Description of the topic, c) Advantages of the topic, d) Syntax (if required), e) Examples,  f) Addressing various challenges/disadvantages related to the topic, etc. The introduction will give a brief introduction about the various concepts related to English language. The objective of introduction will be to introduce the relevant topics that will be covered in the class. The description section describes in detail about the various concepts related to English language. The objective of description section will be to describe various topics in detail. The syntax associated with the topics need to be discussed associated with the topics that will be followed by few examples. The objective of syntax will be to explain the usage of the topics in the right grammatical context within the English language. Relevant examples need to be introduced with the relevant topics covered in the class. The objective of examples section will be to introduce various examples relevant to different concepts introduced in the class. Various challenges/disadvantages related to the topic introduced should be discussed in detail in order to identify the relevant solutions. The objective of this section is to introduce various challenges associated with the topic related to English language. We can use various materials for the class in order to easily describe the concepts related to English language like: presentations, audio clips, video clips, audio/video conferencing, etc. A weekly timetable should be followed for the class in order to cover various concepts as part of English language curriculum. A good interaction between students and teacher is necessary in order to make the concepts related to English language very effective within the class.

Some of the measures taken in order to make the class very effective is by following few conditions: a) Teacher`s attitude towards error: Teacher should take appropriate measures in avoiding various errors while teaching the concepts in the class by having enough preparation and the required prior knowledge about various concepts, b) Teacher`s role: The teacher`s role and responsibilities should be very well defined in advance before handling the class with the students. Some of the responsibilities include: a) To be very patient, b) Good knowledge, c) To be very interactive with the students, etc. c) Student`s Role: There are various roles to be played by the student within the class: a) Listen to teachers, b) Ask the relevant questions, c) To be interactive, etc, d) Vehicular Language: The basic vehicular language used by the teachers to communicate with the students will be the English language, e) Learning Outcome Assessment: The learning outcomes of the course will be evaluated by conducting the required test/quiz events relevant to different concepts in English language for the students and f) Change In Teaching Approach: The teaching approach related to English language will change according to the related requirements & levels of the students.

The teaching process varies according to different levels of students, specifically students at the: (a) Beginner Level and (b) Advanced Level. Let`s try to understand the teaching process involved for different levels of students in more detail: (a) Beginner Level: At the beginner level, students are normally kids who don`t have any knowledge related to English language. At this level, the main objective of the teacher is to educate students about the basic level concepts related to English language. The goal of the students is to learn and acquire the basic level English language skills from the teacher as per the schedule. The student`s needs will be understood by having a healthy interaction with the teacher based on the classes handled as per the schedule. The needs of the student will vary depending on the nature of the students and their requirements at the entry level. The motivation factor for the beginner level students will be: 1) Encouraging students to join the English courses in order to learn the basic level English language, 2) Encouraging students to ask questions as and when required depending on the classes being handled, 3) Encouraging students to communicate effectively in the class in order to understand the English concepts in detail at the beginner level, etc. With these students will be able to understand and apply this basic level English language concept in their day-to-day activities effectively. During the beginner level the students will get a chance to learn some of the fundamental grammatical concepts of: English Vocabulary, Noun, Adjective, Adverb, etc. At this level, the teacher should be patient and teach the required English language concepts slowly so that students will understand the concepts very well. Also, students will respect the views of the teacher and learn the concepts efficiently. The timely assessment/tests will be conducted as part of the evaluation at the beginner level. The teacher will take care of teaching English language concepts as the target language so that it`s very easy for students use the basic English language skills in their communication. (b) Advanced Level: At the advanced level, the English language teaching will be done at the advanced level depending on various students. All the process and procedures followed at the beginner level will also be followed at the advanced level, except few changes in certain methodologies of teaching process. During the process of teaching English language at the advanced level, students will directly learn different concepts like: Model Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs, Adverbs, Proverbs, Different Nouns and their applications/relevant examples, etc. During the process of evaluation teacher will ensure that right questions are set at the advanced level relevant to different students. At the advanced level, teacher will ensure that advanced English language concepts being taught will be treated as the target language which will help students to learn and apply the learnt language effectively as par to the second/mother language they are using on the day-to-day basis. Some of the effective teaching methodology utilized at the advanced level will be: (a) Direct teaching methodology – Directly teaching concepts through student and teacher interactions, (b) Audio Lingual Methodology – Utilizing audio visuals to teach the English language, (c) Total Physical Response (TPR) – English language is learnt through physical movements, (d) Silent Way – Makes use of silent way of teaching the advanced English language, etc.