The teaching of English as a foreign language has changed a
considerable amount over the many years it has been put into practice. Having
had the opportunity to practice teaching using the communicative approach at
Oxbridge we have been able to experience first-hand its effective and
beneficial methodology. Whilst solely practising this way of teaching, we
discussed various others, analysing their elements and techniques and debating
the likelihood of their respective successful outcomes. Drawing from a selection
of these methods I will be looking further into their systems, weighing up
their pros and cons and describing the way in which I would personally choose
to approach teaching English as a foreign language.
I want to stress that although the success of a teaching
method is heavily dependent on the lesson content, assessing the students’
needs and being able to adapt accordingly is also extremely important.
Therefore the first component of my teaching method would be a needs analysis. Before
beginning to teach I would take a number of affective factors about the
students into consideration, including: their level of English, past learning
experience, age, motivation and their short and long term objectives. This
would add a personal touch to my teaching and not only enable me to plan and teach
more effectively with the students’ needs in mind, thus allowing me to foresee
any difficulties and create appropriate solutions, but also to start a basis
for building rapport with them as it shows consideration for their individual
requirements. I believe that this initial process is an integral part as
without focus on the student and an idea of what they want to achieve, the
teaching experience will not be successful.
Similarly to the Direct (Berlitz) Method, there would be
total immersion in the classroom with all input and output being in English,
thus avoiding interference from their native languages. I believe this is
completely necessary in the process of learning another language as
communication is primarily speech and, as it has been proved in past studies,
the ability to speak a foreign language is needed before being able to write
In my approach the teacher’s role would be one of guidance, rather than
dominance, with focus on them demonstrating English to the student, instead of
just plainly explaining the language’s rules. In the Grammar-Translation method,
the teacher has authority in the classroom which I agree with to a certain
extent, especially when teaching younger students. However in my approach I
would favour a partnership between the students and teacher, who would act as
more of a guide.
I would promote practice of the target language outside of the classroom,
however I appreciate this can be difficult to achieve. Therefore I would
maximise opportunity for students to practice output by minimising teacher
talking time and use authentic materials/texts, such as current news articles,
which encourage the practice of authentic language as well as enhance
Systems such as the Silent Way and Content based approaches
steer away from a structured syllabus, and whilst I would refrain from the use
of a strict syllabus, I believe them necessary guides in carrying out
successful lessons. I would therefore reflect the Audio-Lingual Method, which
teaches structural patterns before vocabulary, and favour one that is grammar
and function based, as I believe these are the most useful in enabling the
student to speak, whereas vocabulary is more likely to evolve naturally and can
then be applied appropriately by the student to the acquired structures.
Text books would not be used in my approach as, in my personal experience, they
significantly hinder speaking practice and are therefore less successful in the
acquirement of another language. Like the Oxbridge system I would use a wide
range of activities which teach implicitly, allowing the student to acquire the
language subconsciously. I find that active practice embeds the language more
effectively than studying and memorising from a text book.
Reflecting the Direct Method, I would incorporate visual aids and realia into
lessons as I believe them to be significant aids in the learning process due to
their ability to engage students and prevent lessons from becoming too repetitive
and boring.
I agree with the system of Suggestopedia which encourages a cheerful environment
to facilitate teaching, an idea which is reflected in the Total Physical Response
method, as I believe that learning is more effective when it is enjoyable.
However, I find Suggestopedia’s use of fine arts, such as classical music and
art, to be slightly excessive and would expect them to distract from the main
aims of the lesson. Moreover, I find the Total Physical Response Method to be
more appropriate for younger students who have a stronger need for active
learning. I would favour the Oxbridge system which uses games as a strategy for
student engagement but would limit the usage in my approach. Although I agree
that fun learning is more effective, I also believe that a student has to be
comfortable in order for the teaching process to be successful, and by using
too many games you run the risk of alienating students who may be shyer and
therefore less willing to participate. However, I would include activities such
as role plays which require less and are more likely to appeal to every
The existing methodologies have diverse approaches to the balance between skills; for example, the Grammar-Translation method emphasises the importance of developing reading and writing primarily. In contrast, the Direct method and Audio-Lingual method stress the development of speaking and listening. Whilst I acknowledge that all four are of importance, I favour the systems which focus on the latter and in my teaching method would place a heavy focus on speaking and listening as opposed to reading and writing. As previously stated, this is due to my belief that the acquirement of a language depends heavily on the learner’s ability to speak it. However, I would use short reading exercises for all levels; this would monitor pronunciation of beginners and increase the vocabulary of the more advanced students. My approach to writing skills would depend on the requirements of the student, so for those who need to develop their written skills I would include short writing exercises. However in general I would discourage the practice of writing in place of speaking as, like Oxbridge, I believe such exercises are boring for the students and slow the class down.
My approach would encourage students to interact amongst themselves in English
as, whilst I believe structure to a lesson is important, the aim would be for
students to practice authentic language as it would be used in context. To
achieve this I would let the conversation flow and make any necessary comments
or corrections at natural pauses in the conversation.
Like the Audio-Lingual method which promotes positive reinforcement,
praise would be an important feature of my method as I believe it is necessary
for student encouragement and to build their confidence. The Silent Way
discourages praise to increase students’ self-reliance, and while I agree that
this in an important aspect in learning a language, I find praise necessary in
increasing confidence and motivation.
Systems such as the Grammar-Translation Method and Audio-Lingual method stress
the importance of correcting mistakes and in the Callan Method students are
given the correct answer or made to repeat the correct sentence after the
teacher. I find this to be very ineffective as students are likely to forget
the correction quickly and increases reliance on the teacher. Like the
Communicative Approach I believe that errors are a natural part of the learning
process and my approach would be tolerant, having the teacher guide corrections
but encouraging self-correction from the students which I believe to be more
There is no correct way of teaching and for that reason it
is important for teachers to consider their personal approach. I believe that
my method is effective for a wide range of students, however methods that are
effective for some will not be beneficial for others, so it is important that
the teacher takes all the students’ needs into consideration and is able to
adapt accordingly as a great deal of the success of a lesson ultimately relies
on the abilities of a teacher. In today’s society the ability to communicate is
more important than ever, and in my approach to teaching the development of
speaking skills is emphasised in order to facilitate this, ensuring that students
practice this primary form of communication as much as possible.