28 October 2011 / by Radmila Gurkova

Oxbridge Madrid - 'Working Together, Sharing Experiences'


OXBRIDGE and CIBALL kindly invite you to our English teachers´ meeting named Working Together, Sharing Experiences which will take place on Thursday the 3rd of November in Madrid.

We are creating a community of English teachers from public and private institutions, schools and academies who want to get to know each other and share their experiences related to English teaching.

If you:

-        Think that only a text book for your classes is not enough,

-        Spend many hours a week preparing for classes and have no other support than your own research,

-        Are eager to learn a new way of preparing and using ready-to-go lesson plans,

-        Have an experience to share from the English teaching world,

-        Want to broaden your knowledge on new methodologies and approaches to teaching incorporating easy-to-use technical support,

-        Want to establish regular connections with professional English teacher who are native speakers,

-        Think you can contribute your experience to improve the level of English teaching in Spain

This meeting will give you an excellent opportunity to explain your approach and get to know what is new in the English teaching world.

We would be delighted to meet you and learn from your experience! We would like to share ours and show you our resources. We have a huge range for all levels and age groups and you don’t have to pay to get them. We would be happy if you try them with your students and give us some feedback.

Our aim is help you reduce your preparation time by sharing effective lesson plans with no cost.

You can be part of a community of teachers sharing and contributing to English teaching development in Spain.


Date:    Thursday, November 3rd 2011
Place: CIBALL, Centro de Innovación Ballesta
Corredera Baja de San Pablo, 41, Madrid - Map
Metro: Tribunal
Time:   18:00 – 19:00 h.
Free entrance

OXBRIDGE and CIBALL look forward to meeting you!


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7 Questions for ESL Teachers to Change Education
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