30 November 2011 / by Radmila Gurkova

EU and US Summit. Listen to our leaders speak english...


"Talks of a joint working group to explore how to enhance “untapped potential” of a ‘Transatlantic economic co-operation’ were high on the agenda this week as both US and EU leader’s held a bi-lateral trade talk at the White House with President Obama."


  • Are you concerned about the debt crisis or do you find it tiresome listening to people talk continually about Spain's debt and Europe's issues?

  • Are we to blame for overspending?

  • Would you accept help from other nations, such as the United States?


Word Image Definition Example Listen
Summit the highest level of
diplomatic or other
governmental officials.
A summit conference.
Neighbour a person or thing that
is near another
one of our
neighbour nations.
Eurozone another name for Euroland All European countries Listen
Encourage to inspire with courage,
spirit, or confidence
One of the chief
duties of a teacher is
to encourage students.
Treaty the formal document
embodying such an
international agreement.
The two tribes formed a treaty
Transatlantic on or from the other side of the Atlantic The boat sailed from the USA to the UK Listen
Globalisation worldwide integration
and development
Globablization has resulted in the loss of some
individual cultural identities.


Topic: Formal Expressions Used in Meetings

Level: Easy to Medium

Task: Can you complete the expressions below with texts from the video?

Introducing a subject

Transition between elements


Good morning, everybody.

Let me make two points: one on … and one on ...

Finally, I hope you (have a good visit).

I am very pleased to welcome  you to ...

My first point regards…

My second point regards …

Let me conclude…

Let me first thank you for your hospitality.

With regard to …

Thank you very much, everybody.

I very much appreciated our discussion here at the White House today.

I am happy to say that …



Topic: Word Formation

Level: Medium to Advanced

Task: Can you identify which words appear in the video? Can you extract more examples  from the text?

Root Prefix Suffix 1 Suffix 2 Prefix and suffix
Sustain   sustainable Sustainability  
Like Dislike Likely Likelihood Unlikely
Think       Unthinkable
Accept   Acceptable   Unacceptable


Level: Advanced

Topic: Inversion

In formal language we often want to emphasize one idea over the rest in a sentence. We do it by placing the idea to emphasize first in the sentence.

Have a look at two possible ways of achieving this.

  1. Using  WHAT

What hasn’t  changed though is the fundamental bonds that exist between the European union and the United States.

2.  Using NOT SINCE

Not since the end of the Cold War has the world seen such a degree of transformation in global affairs.


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