09 December 2011 / by Radmila Gurkova

Norway Massacre: Breivik Declared Insane


Psychiatrists assessing self-confessed Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik have concluded that he is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

They believe he was in a state both during and after the twin attacks on 22 July that led to the deaths of 77 people and injured 151.

Their report is to be reviewed by a panel of forensic psychiatrists. Breivik will still be tried in April but it seems likely he will be placed in psychiatric care rather than prison. He admits carrying out the attacks but has pleaded not guilty to charges, arguing that the attacks were wrong but necessary for his campaign to defend Europe against a Muslim invasion.

The two psychiatrists who interviewed him on 13 occasions concluded that he lived in his "own universe where all his thoughts and acts are guided by his ideas", prosecutors told reporters.


  • Do you think we should be more stronger when sentencing in court?

  • Is the internet a good or bad tool for publicising such events?

  • Do you think this sort of event can happen anytime, anywhere?


Definition Example Listen  
Atrocious Shockingly brutal or cruel The running of the bulls in an atrocious spectacle  Listen
Delusional Maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts He was so delusional and paranoid that he thought everybody was conspiring against him.  Listen
Schizophrenia A group of psychotic disorders characterized by progressive deterioration of the personality A mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality.  Listen
Forensic Used in a court of law or public discussion and debate. He used forensic science  Listen
Insane Very foolish; absurd Took insane risks behind the wheel  Listen
Massacre The unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals The massacre of millions during the war.  Listen
Paranoid Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others I am paranoid someone is watching me  Listen


Click here to learn more about some words beginning with psych- that were mentioned in this topic.





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