08 January 2016 / by Toby Knight

Teaching Taboo Subjects

When I first started teaching I found myself teaching an activity about relationships to normally out-going group of students. Less than a minute into the discussion one student announced that she did not want me to ask her any questions as she had recently ended a relationship and was too upset to talk about the subject. It was obviously an awkward moment and I mentioned this to a colleague, only to discover that the relationship ended many years ago. My colleague quipped “How many years does she need to get over it?”

Since then I have had several situations where taboo or off-limit subjects have been brought up: politics, sexuality, religion, the list is endless. Broadly speaking a taboo is a subject not acceptable to talk about and can be classified in 3 ways; general taboos (sex, death, money), serious issues (politics, racism, sexism) and personal matters (appearance, hygiene, relationships). Within cultures and generations taboos are different and found in various facets of life. To give you a perfect example there is a swear word here in Spain which I hear everyday for even the smallest indiscretion but in the UK saying the equivalent would create a massive social situation, maybe even turn violent (I’ll leave it to you to think about the word I’m referring to).

So why do we continue to teach and discuss taboos in our classes? Well basically they are fundamentally important in understanding and integrating yourself into another culture and as English teachers we have to prepare our students for all types of socio-cultural situations, especially if they plan to live in or visit an English speaking country. Within the classroom taboo subjects can motivate and generate a high level of interest amongst students, especially as it’s an opportunity to share something not normally found in textbooks or activities, plus they are a rich area of language where students can learn slang, double meanings, euphemisms as well as politically correct vocabulary.

So how do we teach subjects which might anger, upset or offend? There is no magic formula but the teacher can implement guidelines during the class. You must monitor the general situation at all times, especially if opinions and rhetoric are creating tension amongst the students, and remember that students should not be pressured into speaking or giving an opinion. If you feel that a student is using unacceptable language (either on purpose or due to cultural differences) stop the discussion and explain that the language is unacceptable and you will not tolerate it in class. Finally, remember to stay neutral; offering an personal opinion could increase tension and create divisions.

One of the most poignant moments I have experienced when teaching came about when discussing a taboo subject; death. A student told me his first wife died suddenly a few years ago so naturally I tried to subtly change the subject to avoid upsetting him. A few minutes later, after clearly considering his thoughts, he told me exactly how it happened and the effect it had on him and his children. I was extremely grateful that he shared such a personal experience with the class and could see the personal benefit it gave him to talk about it in detail. It shows that speaking openly about taboos can benefit a class and even yourself.



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