17 June 2015 / by Rob Wylie

Teaching English in Bars. Love learning with a cup of coffee!

Teaching English in a bar? Throughout your whole life you may have spent your class time in a classroom, meeting room or office. But do you always need to learn in these types of places? Are there other environments which can provide perfect study locations? Why not teaching English in Bars?


Whether you live in a large city or small villages there are always many great places to teach apart from in a normal classroom.

Bars are always a good option with the possibility of having a drink as well as work.

Parks are also another great place. They provide an open space with quiet areas to sit down and study as well as fresh air to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

Museums, galleries and community halls are locations which can provide fantastic work areas if chosen carefully.


There are many possible advantages when it comes to teaching English in bars or public spaces. One of the major things is that it helps to create a realistic environment and atmosphere. When you travel to a foreign country (such as the UK) you do not speak with the local people in a quiet classroom environment. Therefore the noises from other conversations, background music or passing traffic are all factors which students will be confident dealing with if they have had prior practice.

As well as this, teaching in an informal situation will help the students to feel a lot more relaxed. They may all feel that they are able to express themselves more confidently than if in a more serious environment. This will help with progress and therefore allow the students to feel and realize they are improving. One of our jobs as a teacher is to enable students to feel as relaxed as possible, and what better place than teaching English in a bar or park which they are familiar with?


The fact that some people may be very shy could be a problem if you choose teaching English in bars. Some people (especially when they start to learn a language) may be very timid and not very confident. With people around some students may find themselves closed and unwilling to open up at the beginning.

You also need to be very careful about the bars or locations that you choose. Somewhere that is willing to allow you to work and that is also not overly crowded or busy is preferable.


Baring all this in mind, why not consider teaching in a bar next time? Take a look at some options HERE.


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