27 February 2014 / by Radmila Gurkova

My Top 5 Reasons to do a TEFL course: featuring India Boddy

Reasons to do a TEFL course | www.oxbridgetefl.com

Making the decision to teach English as a foreign language and enrolling on a TEFL course is beneficial for many reasons. Here are India Boddy's top 5 reasons to do a TEFL course.

1) Change people's lives

... A change you can see everyday in your students' progress and receptiveness. In each and every class, no matter how difficult some may be, you can instantaneously reap the rewards of having helped someone out when working in TEFL. The look on a student's face when they finally comprehend a subject matter they were having difficulties with, with your aid and guidance, is priceless.

2) Meet new people from all over the world

No matter where you go, with TEFL you will meet people who speak English and share your common interests. It's extremely difficult not to make long-lasting friendships and relationships as a consequence, and this isn't even including your students! Most of all, the friends you make from TEFL always have the best stories! Lastly: you never know when you're going to need a place to stay on your travels. And it gives you a fantastic reason to return! ;-)

3) Gain new perspective & culture awareness

You have already done something incredibly brave: you've left your comfort zone to embark on a journey to somewhere where you may not speak the language, understand the culture and laws or even follow the currency! Now it's to understand these alien employment laws, deal with bureaucracy when applying for your residency cards and employment permits and get learning a new language (nothing better than immersion). I've found a maturity in those people I meet who do TEFL which is often lacking in those who don't go travelling. Don't forget that it isn't just the students who learn in class; by asking them questions and sparking discussion you'll learn just as much about a different culture and lifestyle, which is just as rewarding.

4) Employability

Yes, it's the obvious choice, but it's true. I read a long time ago that being able to speak another language fluently boosts your employability by around 30%. A TEFL certificate is a great addition to your resumé as it trains you in skills that go hand-in-hand with many other careers: team-work, preparation, punctuality, communication skills, presentations, flexibility, ability to think on your feet, dealing with tricky people/students... You're also going to have so many stories and things to talk about, you'll be extremely interesting and noteworthy to employers.

5) Make money while you travel

You always have a plan B to fall back on if you ever go on holiday. Wherever you go, you'll always find someone interested in learning and practicing English, that's a guarantee!

Finally, I'll add a number 6: You'll love it.

Why wait? Apply for your TEFL course today to gain new perspective and build your character.


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