06 January 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

North Korea hails Kim Jong-un as leader


North Korea has hailed late leader Kim Jong-il's son, Kim Jong-un, as "supreme leader of the party, state and army" As the majority of North Koreans stood obediently crying, Mr Kim took centre stage at the choreographed memorial service in Pyongyang’s main square a day after his father’s funeral.

Kim Yong-nam, formerly the number two leader told a million-strong crowd that their sorrow would be turned into strength “1000 times greater under the leadership of Kim Jong-un”.

Many believe that the memorial event appeared to be Kim dynasty’s official hand-over of power. A three-minute silence was held after which trains and ships all sounded their horns.

Kim Jong-ill had died of a heart attack on 17 December aged 69. He had ruled North Korea since his father’s death in 1994.

North Korea is extremely secretive and virtually the only country that is closed to the outside world. No foreign delegations have attended the events and for the outside world to enter or even report on North Korea is virtually impossible.


Do you think we should have one president as leader of the world?
What country would you like to live in if not Spain?
Can you name any big continents?
Is the UK a continent?

Word Image Definition Example Listen
Dynasty   A sequence of hereditary rulers The Kennedy dynasty Listen
Memorial Something designed to preserve the memory of a person, event such as war Memorial services Listen
Secretive   Keeping secrets He told his biggest secret to his girlfriend Listen
Rehearsed   To practice a musical composition, a play, a speech, etc. He rehearsed his speech all night Listen
Choreographed   To have something rehearsed, planned to go in a certain way The dance routine was choreographed perfectly Listen
Hail   To acclaim; approve enthusiastically. The crowds hailed the conquerors. Listen
Delegation   To give work to other people while you still have responsibility for it. An effective time management tool. I delegate work to my team of colleagues. Listen
Obedient   Complying with or submissive to authority An obedient son Listen
Supreme Highest in rank or authority He was a supreme court leader Listen


Click here for an interesting structure post related to this video.

Click here to learn about the use of the word 'alongside'.



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