14 June 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

Vampires DO exist!


Have you heard of the recent news that Vampire skeletons have been found in Bulgaria with Iron Steaks through their hearts?

Archeologists in Bulgaria have found two MEDIEVAL remains that they think are vampires. Piercing through their hearts were two Iron RODS that were supposedly to prevent them from turning into vampires.

Being a Vampire was a common PAGAN practice in many villages up until a century ago.

Villages feared that creatures like this would awake and FEAST on the BLOOD of humans living in the Bulgarian area just where the skeletons were found.

There are around 100 known vampire skeleton remains found around this area. The iron rod would PIERCE through their CHEST to pin them down and prevent them from getting up in the middle of the night.

Archaeologist Petar Balabanov discovered six other vampire remains around the Balkans that had followed this Pagan RITUAL.

These myths inspired Bram Stoker to write Dracula, first published in 1897 - now many movies and series follow in his footsteps.

What do you think of this news story?!


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