29 November 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

"Marriage is the chief cause of divorce"?


Have you heard the Groucho Marx's quote about divorce: ''Marriage is the chief cause of divorce''? What other reasons for divorce are there? During recession, do you think there are more divorces or less? Have a look at these comments related to the issue...

Most people believe that the biggest grounds for divorce are either infidelity or arguments over money.

According to a British law firm 350 divorce cases, seven out of ten divorces occur because of disputes over who does what household chores.

Twenty per cent of divorces are due to unfaithfulness.

Dual income marriages now mean split responsibilities for vacuuming, doing the dishes and tidying.

However, a study in Norway suggests that couples that share household chores are more likely to split up.



September 2011
Next TEFL Course
by Radmila Gurkova
Just to let you know that our next TEFL course is starting in Barcelona on Monday 19th September. If you are already signed up then you ...


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TEFL Testimonials
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Check out some of the comments from people that have completed the Oxbridge TEFL course... ...