21 June 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

Are you a daredevil?


Nik Wallenda became a real-life Daredevil over night. On Friday the 15th June he BALANCED on a 51mm wire SUSPENDED 46 meters above one of the world’s most dangerous waters - Niagara Falls.

He began his STUNT at Goat Island in the US and TRAVERSED towards the Canadian border – with his passport – heading for land on Table Rock, Canada.

News channel ABC had SPONSORED the live broadcast walk and had INSISTED that he wear a safety HARNESS. Nik comes from a family of performers, although his great - grandfather had attempted the walk in 1978 but unfortunately FELL while performing the act.

Nik – the 33 year-old Daredevil – had estimated the cost of the walk to be £830,000, which also included the installation of the wire from one border to the other.

This is the first FEAT in over a CENTURY to have been completed across Niagara Falls - one of the seven wonders of the world.


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