03 October 2013 / by Radmila Gurkova

Barcelona vs. Madrid: Where should I do my TEFL in Spain?

Barcelona and Madrid are Spain's largest, most popular and most exciting cities, boasting Spain's two best football teams. When considering doing a TEFL course in Spain, most people as a consequence look to graduating in either Barcelona or Madrid, cosmopolitan cities where there are more employment opportunities. 


In this post, we hope to outline the major pros and cons of each city to help you decide which is more suitable for you and your future career. 



The city: Barcelona boasts above most things, such as its architecture, culture, food and nightlife, the coast and the mountains. There's never a dull day or night in a city which is absolutely buzzing with things to do, places to see and people to chat to. The Sagrada Familia's ceiling has just been completed and has been known to bring tears to visitors' eyes. For a major city, it's actually quite small and after a couple of days becomes relatively easy to navigate around. Very helpful for those who don't speak the language. 

The area: Barcelona is just 2 hours away from the Pyrenees and 30 minutes from the gorgeous Costa Brava. Visiting some of the seaside towns towards the south, such as Sitges and the north such as Figueres is really worth it for a great weekend, especially as the beaches are much nicer than the city's. It has it all in terms of what nature has to offer.

TEFL: TEFL in Barcelona is huge. Pretty much everybody you meet in Barcelona who speaks English is an English teacher. The market is massive and with the amount of foreigners in this cosmopolitan city the competition for employment is growing. Academies are looking for TEFL certified native teachers now to fit their students' growing demands. Barcelona, sharing a border with France, is more of an 'international' city than Madrid, and thus has many more students looking to learn English; either to move away, increase their employability, or take their business further.



The city: Madrid has been described as 'puro España', situated in the heart of Spain. For a real feel of the wealth of culture and tradition Spain has to offer, Madrid is the place. It's better value for money than "touristy" Barcelona, offering lovely dinners that aren't in your face sangria and paella "offers". It's got an incredible nightlife for all ages and tastes. On top of this, Madrid's two most famous museums (including the Prado) have two free nights a week. Madrid is huge, and the longer you stay the more you find it has to offer. 

The area: Segovia and Toledo. Most towns surrounding Madrid are beautiful and interesting, boasting tons of history and gorgeous food. Well worth a visit.

TEFL: TEFL in Madrid is just starting to gain real prominence. There are nowhere near as many academies or schools as Barcelona but they are growing substantially. Madrid is great for in-company and business English classes, which gain more revenue. In Madrid, a teacher is likely to work less hours and make more money, especially if they are TEFL certified.

Conclusion: If you're looking to do your TEFL course in the summer months - June to September - look to Barcelona to get the best summer experience ever without having to suffer the stifling heat of Madrid. Otherwise, Madrid takes the crown. It's the capital, yet for TEFL it's up and coming. There are many, many more employment opportunities, while in Barcelona now TEFL is becoming very competitive. Fundamentally though, it comes down to which city suits you best. At the end of the day, now Spain has the AVE, you can go between the two easily if you feel you've made the wrong decision! 



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