22 October 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

Chinese anyone?


Language lessons at school used to be about learning to count in French, or ploughing through irregular verbs in German. Now it seems growing numbers of children are moving away from European languages, and choosing Arabic or Mandarin instead...

Business leaders say Mandarin is very useful -- but how difficult is it to learn?

  • Why are you learning English?

  • Is it the most important language to learn today?

  • What other languages are important to learn in todays economic society?

What do you think about this? Would you be able to learn Mandarin?


September 2011
Next TEFL Course
by Radmila Gurkova
Just to let you know that our next TEFL course is starting in Barcelona on Monday 19th September. If you are already signed up then you ...


September 2011
TEFL Testimonials
by Radmila Gurkova
Check out some of the comments from people that have completed the Oxbridge TEFL course... ...