14 June 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

Are you an early riser?


Scientists in Britain have found that the average English person sleeps for seven hours and 21 minutes a night before they begin work at 8.50am. However the Germans – famous for RISING early get up before DAYBREAK to make sure their towels firmly secure their sun beds for a day LOUNGING by the pool -
get an average eight minutes less sleep a day and start work 30 minutes earlier than the rest of us.Apparently Germans get up 15 minutes after their alarm clocks ring compared to British people who LAZE under their DUVET for more than 20 minutes.

This could CONCLUDE why Germans out perform most other European countries and why they DIVE for the sun lounger before any other European in the hotel WAKES up.

What time do YOU get up?!


September 2011
Next TEFL Course
by Radmila Gurkova
Just to let you know that our next TEFL course is starting in Barcelona on Monday 19th September. If you are already signed up then you ...


September 2011
TEFL Testimonials
by Radmila Gurkova
Check out some of the comments from people that have completed the Oxbridge TEFL course... ...