09 April 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

The Power of YouTube



Many people use YouTube to get a message to a few friends or to try to educate the world. In comparison many other people just watch YouTube because it is obsessive.

What some people do not realise that if you put certain messages in videos on there - they can go viral.

This is just what happened to Tom Lahat of Iran. A man who posted a video homage of love and peace about regular people in Israel and Iran

He explains that he and many others do not feel hatred towards both countries and in fact are regular people just like everyone else in the world that wants to get on with their neighbour and does not feel hate towards anyone.

He posted the video on YouTube and since then it went viral. It has received over 650,000 hits and is continuing to escalate with similar messages coming back from inhabitants of both Israel and Iran.

The power of the Internet and YouTube show no boundaries in the world of global communication.


  • Is YouTube a propaganda tool?

  • Are there too many things to look at on YouTube

  • Why do social media networking sites become so popular?


Word Image Definition Example Listen
Hatred   Intense hostility His hatred intensified for spiders as he found one lurking in his room. Listen
Inhabitants   A person or animal that inhabits  a place, especially as a permanent resident. The inhabitants of skull island were all crazy Listen
Neighbour A person who lives near or next to another The person who lives next to me is my neighbour. Listen
Obsessive   Someone who has an obsession or obsessions; a person who thinks or behaves in an obsessive manner Billy is obsessive about cleaning his room. Listen
Peace A state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations Try to live in peace with your neighbours. Listen
Transmit   To send, or pass on from one location to another He was not able to transmit the message Listen
Feel Mood It feels fantastic to win a race. Listen
Fight To have a battle; try to defend oneself against or defeat Dozens of people were injured in FIGHTS that happened in Buenos Aires Listen

Here is a video from YouTube "When Two Vowels Go Walking and an additional video - "Q without U"




Click here for the verb TO BE

Click here to see the difference between Like and As


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