13 February 2013 / by Radmila Gurkova



Horsemeat has been discovered in beefburgers sold by the supermarket GIANTS Tesco and Iceland, it emerged tonight.

Investigators said that in Tesco's Everyday Value burgers, horsemeat ACCOUNTED FOR almost one third of the meat content.

The Republic of Ireland's food safety authority (FSAI) claimed meat with ''horse DNA'' sold in UK and Irish supermarkets had originated from two processing plants in Ireland – Liffey Meats and Silvercrest Foods – and the Dalepak Hambleton plant in north Yorkshire.

The Food Standards Agency, working with the Irish authorities, ESTABLISHED that mainland Britain was part of the area affected. A spokesman said: ''At this stage it is not believed to be a food safety risk.

''We are aware that investigations are ongoing to ASCERTAIN how or why horsemeat was used in the products.''

A total of 27 beef products were analysed by the FSAI with 10 containing horse DNA and a further 23 containing TRACES of pig DNA.

- Who are the supermarket giants in Spain?
- How much of the meat content in the beef bugers was horse meat?
- Do you think this story is real? How could you ascertain if it’s true?
- Is there usually traces of nuts in chocolate bars?


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