12 July 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

A Scottish Visitor's Guide


Do you have your vacation booked this year? Where are you going? Have you ever visited Scotland? When you visit different countries and towns most guide books tell you the "Do's and Don'ts". Do you listen to the rules or do you just do what you want to do? The Japanese - when visiting Scotland - have a guide book for the "Do's and Don'ts" but it seems a little weird from their description... 

If you are going on vacation this year WATCH-OUT!!! You need some advice on what to do, where to go and what to eat!

You may know already what the local customs are but for some Japanese tourists visiting Scotland this year they have some WEIRD advice on what to avoid and how to NAVIGATE unfamiliar Scottish customs.

The insiders guide to Scotland – which is written in Japanese and published in Edinburgh – is SUPPOSED to help visitors from Japan navigate local customs.

They are told to stay away from Scottish SAUSAGES, council estates and BRANDING Scots as English. However it PUZZLES the Japanese why only a HANDFUL of people only carry UMBRELLAS as the Japanese carry them all the time and even have a spare in the office for sudden SHOWERS.

In the book they are told to drink Iron Bru and Scottish Whiskey and get very drunk.

They warn visitors that in Scotland they cannot expect much of the same quick, polite and accurate service that they would receive in Japan.

Have a look at this link for more info about this story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-18675046





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