02 April 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

April Fools' Day - Is it a big joke?


April the 1st is well known in America, the United Kingdom and other Christian countries – as April Fools' Day.

The history of this day began in the 16th Century with Pope Gregory when he introduced a new calendar where the New Year fell on January 1st. Some people didn’t believe in this change and continued to celebrate New Years Day on April 1st.  Others played tricks on them for doing this and called them “April Fools” and sent them on “Fools Errands”.

The tradition now is that on the morning of April 1st the prankster devises a practical joke to play on their victim. The joke has to be performed before 12.00 noon on that day.

However some weird and wonderful jokes in the UK and the US have been executed throughout the day and even up until the evening news.

There have been many individual and larger jokes played on people, groups and even countries.

Spain celebrates a similar day to this with - el Día de los Santos Inocentes on December 28, however when the prankster reveals the joke they shout ''¡Inocente, inocente!''. You must have all done this at some point?


  • How many jokes do you know?

  • Do you tell any good jokes at parties?

  • Is April Fool's Day taken seriously?


Word Image Definition Example Listen
Errand A short and quick trip to accomplish a specific purpose He finished his errands. Listen
Fool The person who has been victim to a prank or hoax I can believe he fell for that, he is such a fool. Listen
Joke Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement He told a very funny joke that made us laugh Listen
Prankster   The person who plays a trick on an unsuspecting victim We fell for a pranksters joke Listen
Laugh The sound made after a humorous event He has a funny laugh Listen
Practical Concerned with actual use or practice; A practical application of a rule. Listen
Tricked An optical illusion It must have been some visual trick caused by the flickering candlelight. Listen
True Correct I don't think it is true! Listen

Watch Mickey's April Fool's joke...



Click here for the Simple Past Tense

Click here for the Imperative


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