25 December 2011 / by Radmila Gurkova
No more Turkey - I'm "Stuffed"!!!
(Watch a different Christmas Carol)
Christmas Day is filled with cheer, laughter, family and food. Too much food in fact and often too much turkey. After traditionally opening our gifts from Santa Claus, we then begin on the food and from then on it's a day of non-stop eating and drinking!!
Merry Christmas to one and all!
It's a great day but with.....
Too much Turkey -
Too many Mince Pies -
Too much Mulled Wine -
Too many Neeps & Tatties -
.......and definitely too much STUFFING!!!!
The traditional Christmas Dinner is a chance for the whole family to eat together but eating too much of everything - YOU will fee stuffed!
In the UK and the US the Christmas Dinner is more than just Turkey, boiled / mashed potatoes and vegetables - there are 'pigs in blankets', chestnut or walnut stuffing, cranberry jelly, bread sauce and roast parsnips.... the list goes on!
All this followed by The Queen's Speach at 3.00 pm, a Harry Potter Movie, a chance to play games with the family or play with our new gifts opened the very same morning, your not -so favorite Uncle trying to mime the movie Jaws and good old Mum abandoned in the kitchen with a sherry to wash the mountain of dishes....!
...what a day but it's all worth it, as it's Christmas Day - which comes but once a a year!