Major electronics firms
Panasonic and
Canon have temporarily suspended production at factories in China after a territorial dispute over a group of UNINHABITED small islands in the East China Sea TRIGGERED violent anti-Japanese protests... The protests targeted shops, restaurants and car DEALERSHIPS in at least five cities. Toyota and Honda reported arson attacks had badly damaged their stores in Qingdao.
SITES LINKED to auto manufacturers Toyota and Honda have also been attacked in the UNREST, which has forced frightened expatriates into hiding and sent relations between Asia's two biggest economies into crisis.
On Monday, Chinese state media warned Japan it could suffer another "lost decade" if trade ties SOURED. Japan counted China as its top trade partner last year, with total two-way trade of more than $340 billion.
Have you heard about these protests? What do you think about the relationship between China and Japan? Why are events China and Japan important to Europe?