08 November 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova
US Elections - Obama Wins!
- What do you think of the American Elections?
- Is it different to Spain? How?
- Who DID you think was going to win in the elections? Obama or Romney
What do you think to these controversial issues?...
OBAMA: Supports access to abortion. Health care law requires contraceptives to be available for free for women enrolled in workplace health plans.
ROMNEY: Opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest or risk to the woman's life. Previously supported abortion access.
OBAMA: Issued directive in June that immigrants brought illegally to the United States as children be exempted from deportation and granted work permits if they apply.
ROMNEY: Favors U.S.-Mexico border fence, opposes education benefits to illegal immigrants. Opposes offering legal status to illegal immigrants who attend college, but would do so for those who serve in the armed forces. place a comprehensive immigration plan before those permits expire.
OBAMA: Supports legal recognition of same-sex marriage, a matter decided by states.
ROMNEY: Opposes legal recognition of same-sex marriage. ''Marriage is not an activity that goes on within the walls of a state.'' Also opposes civil unions ''if they are identical to marriage other than by name.''