10 January 2013 / by Radmila Gurkova
American GLOBETROTTER travels a million miles in 2012
Tom Stuker, 59, passed the million mark on a flight from London to Chicago on December 6. Mr Stuker works as a car sales consultant and has to fly all over the world. He frequently JETS OFF to Asia and Australia, and has taken about 400 flights so far this year.He always uses the U.S. airline United. He joined the company's frequent flyer program in 1983 and has since CLOCKED UP 11 million miles with United, on over 6,000 flights. A United Airlines SPOKESPERSON said that in 2012, Mr Stuker had flown the same BREADTH as 40 times around the Earth.
Mr Stuker told reporters that 2012 was a record year for him and that he was ''BEAT''. He said: ''I know I'll never fly this much again in a year.'' He said he is looking forward to ''hardly'' flying next year – perhaps around half-a-million miles.
-What do you think about this?
-Do you envy this man?
-Do you think this man is a hero? Or crazy?
-Would you fly this often?
-Is flying tiring?
-How about the inflight food?