10 October 2011 / by Radmila Gurkova

Friday Meeting 07/10/2011


A busy start to the month but here's little update for the week. Last week we spoke about the classes at the gym and the new S1 course. Feedback has been generally good in both areas but we there’s still plenty of room for improvement.

‘Learning Capsules’ – as mentioned last week these are 30 minute learning capsules that will take place at a well-known gym in Barcelona. Several levels were taught this week (S1, P3 and P4). This precise way of teaching for s1 did not work because the S1 students are still at a level where they are learning basic vocabulary. However, the P3 and P4 class at the gym were really successful, staring off with Quick Questions (QQ), 2 structure activities and finishing off with a vocab and topic activity. Having mentioned this it is important to take into account that the Quick Questions need to be done for both 30minute capsules.

As for the S1 course, we had positive feedback mentioning that class 1 was really good, easy to follow, teacher friendly and interactive rather than repetitive. The flashcards have been updated, more pictures have been added and there is a clear guideline for the Teacher to follow. 'Building Blocks' is a work in progress...Well done guys!!

Lastly, everyone will have an extra current affairs topic for P4 starting next week. The reason for this new development is that we need to keep up-to-date with current news. We’ve decided to call this ‘breaking news’ and as this will be printed a week after, students will have the chance to read about it and have enough information to engage in the classroom.

Next week we will discuss news stories that we think would be interesting for the students.  One of the teachers will post videos related to the activities, giving students the chance to listen to news stories before the actual activity is taught.

Hope everyone has a nice week!




February 2012
Both either neither
by Radmila Gurkova
We use Both/Either/neither for two things: Both Films are good Neither film is bad I don't mind seeing either film Listen carefully to the video - Both of the earths Poles.... Both of ......is always followed by the/those/th...


February 2012
all or the whole......?
by Radmila Gurkova
All/the whole..........? The whole We usually use the whole...


February 2012
I am able to understand English
by Radmila Gurkova
Be able to is not a modal auxiliary verb. We include it here for convenience, because it is often used like "can" and "could", which are modal auxiliary verbs. Structure subject + be + able + infinitive Be able to can be used with all tenses: I am able to drive.....


February 2012
Friday Fun: The History of English #8
by Radmila Gurkova
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbvumrknAKs&feature=relmfu The series about the history of the English language continues with more examples of how English has changed over time. This video includes details about American English. It may be something that people are a lot more common with, especially with the impact of American 'movies' ...


February 2012
Words are made of letters
by Radmila Gurkova
Made is the past tense of MAKE Make in this case means - produced or shaped as specified It is made of gold ...


February 2012
Did you win?
by Radmila Gurkova
TO WIN Definition To be first in a contest, a race or something similar To gain victory ...


February 2012
I actually think that Pigs are cute
by Radmila Gurkova
first 30 seconds of the video For Spanish speakers actually is a false friend. It does not mean right now, nowadays it means in reality. Adverb: Really. This time he actually applied for the job. It is also used when something someone has said is surprising ...


February 2012
A lot and Allot - Confusing words
by Radmila Gurkova
Confusing words? A lot & Allot A lot Usage: As a noun and an adverb - A large number, very, many For example: A lot of people think that the economy is getting worse. I have a lot of CDs. A lot of planning went into it. ...


February 2012
Willy Wonker and a boat made of chocolate
by Radmila Gurkova
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5U_jW-OQS0 A man in France made a boat 3.5m long boat out of chocolate and sailed it in a port in Northern France. The boat turned around two or three times and then broke apart. It carried three passengers or sailors! The boat weighed 1.2 tons and reached a speed of 15km/h. It took a team 1.5 ...


February 2012
185 things to do with a Pig
by Radmila Gurkova
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRETz2F-heQ Christien Meindertsma, author of "Pig 05049" decided to take a look at the afterlife of this pig and find out how many parts of this animal were used and for what. It resulted in at least 185 non-pork products, from bullets to artificial hearts. In Denmark there are 16 million people ...