12 April 2017 / by Ryan Beaudelaire

Personal branding of ESL teachers. What is your brand?




Oxinity Friday Meeting - Barcelona

Is personal branding important for an English teacher? Do we, teachers, take care of our personal branding and do we consider it part of our professional duties?

Today at our Oxinity Friday meeting here in Barcelona our team activity was on PERSONAL BRANDING and here is what we spoke about... Try this yourself and start defining and creating your brand!

Personal branding - What is your brand?

Think about this: If you were a hotel…which one would you be?

Who would you want to attract?

How would you want guests to feel when they entered?

What would you want them to say when they left?

You can most likely apply your answers to how students and colleagues feel about you.

Oxinity teachers in Barcelona said, when people leave their hotel they would like them to say -

Amazing service - I´ll come back, they had fun, a beautiful place, they have enjoyed themselves, very professional service, excellent value, great place to meet new people!


Now, at YOUR hotel,  the chances are you would spend a lot of time on the front end, designing every little detail to create the overall effect you wanted.

And people are the same.

People who intentionally and purposefully care about the way they present themselves are the ones who get the results they’re looking for, and make people feel the way they want them to.

Now, fill in the below form on PERSONAL BRANDING


Words that describe us professionally

Here is a list of the words that we think people see in us professionally as Oxinity members-

Positive, engaging, decisive, engaging, encouraging, organised, professional, passionate, articulate, supportive, welcoming, interesting, reliable, patient,  and helpful.



Personal branding and behaviours - Individuals and Oxinity Community Members

Different companies

Ask each person about the different companies they teach at and how their branding and behaviours adapt to each place. Does the expectation change between different companies? Are there different standards at different companies?


Now discuss what the group thinks about personal behaviour as teachers, what is good behaviour that we at Oxinity aspire to and what do we consider bad or distasteful? Write these down on a list, good v´s bad!

Individuality + Community

How do you balance your behaviour as an individual with the behaviour that you agree is a good example as part of the Oxinity Community that we are part of?




Quotes from today!

Sandra Morwani Choose a job you love and you´ll never have to work a day in your life!

Emily Kopec The early bird catches the worm!

Peter Nesbitt I´m prepared, engaged and enthusiastic.

Ashley Curran I´m friendly, patient, and prepared.

Nick Giddings I´m well prepared, friendly and focused.

Paul Jarvis The power of Paul compels you!


further-reading-1 (1)


Check out this handy workbook on personal branding https://www.pwc.com/us/en/careers/campus/assets/img/programs/personal-brand-workbook.pdf

Be inspired by this Forbes article on The First Steps To Building Your Brand and start creating it today!









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