08 March 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

St. Patrick's Day - Don't make a parade out it!!!!


Many people around the world celebrate St Patrick's Day on the March 17th

He is the most commonly recognised Patron saint of Ireland and commemorates Christianity being introduced to this Emerald Isle.

However - St Patrick was not Irish; he was from Wales and therefore Welsh. He used the Humble Shamrock as a teaching tool, using the three-leafed plant to explain the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to educate the pagan Irish. But today everyone associates this Saint as a Saint for Ireland.

The tradition of St Patrick's Day begins with Christian services and people wearing green clothing. The merriment begins and drinking starts early! Nowadays people celebrate this day usually in an Irish bar somewhere in the world drinking a pint after pint of Guinness.

The main festival in Dublin, Ireland is over a period of four days with parades, funfairs, beer festivals, treasure hunts and of course walking in the footsteps of St Patrick himself. However the most exercise for the day would be your arm - and the amounts of Guinness you can drink during this period.

Boston in the USA lays claim to the first St. Patrick’s Day parade in 1737. It was the people of New York who got together and had the first organised parade in 1766.

....today, about 36 million Americans claim Irish descent.


  • Will you be drinking Guinness to celebrate?

  • Are there many saints where people go wild around the world?

  • Have you seen a Four-leafed clover?


Word Image Definition Example Listen
Celebrate   Acknowledge a significant day or event with a social gathering. How will you celebrate your birthday? Listen
Drink To ingest a liquid I drink coffee in the morning. Listen
Parade A large public procession, usually including a marching band Lets go on the Love parade! Listen
Patron A supporter or protector Patron saint Listen
Emerald A rare variety of beryl that is colored green by chromium and valued as a gem An emerald carpet Listen
Merriment   Happiness The merriment got out of hand Listen
Shamrock A plant having leaves divided into three leaflets The four-leafed Clover is a symbol Listen
Treasure Hunt A game in which players act upon successive clues and are eventually directed to a prize The pirates were on a Treasure Hunt Listen


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