02 April 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

National Walk to Work Day


This year it National Walk to Work Day now into it’s 14th year. Registration opens 1st July 2012 for the big event on Friday 28th September.

The organisation encourages employees to take part and build a regular walking routine into their daily life.

Individuals and companies can donate to this and many other causes related to Cancer.

Did you know that regular walking helps relieve feelings of depression and anxiety? Plus walking to work has shown that is reduces people from being absent from work or taking sick days off. Plus it helps the environment and reduces car dependancy.

You can walk to work all the way if you can, walk around the car park at lunchtime or even walk up and down the stairs at work, or if you sit a lot then get up every half an hour and just walk around and stretch your legs. Just think how much exercise you will do and how much weight you can lose?

Walking is great Cardio for your body, mind heart and soul !!!

Why not have a look at this article for some more tips about the benefits of walking to work?


  • Do you donate to charity?

  • Are Gymnasiums good for you?

  • Is exercise for only for wimps?


Word Image Definition Example Listen
Anxiety Feeling nervous or worried I have anxiety and worry about my job Listen
Registration The act of making an official record of something or somebody Today is the last day for registration for this course. Listen
Routine Predictable, the same every day What a routine job Listen
Stretch To extend (oneself or one's limbs, for example) to full length: stretched her calves before running. The first thing I do when I wake up is to stretch. Listen
Heart Human organ My heart pumps my blood. Listen
Legs   The lower limb of a human being from the knee to the ankle. I use my legs to walk. Listen
Walk To travel by foot I walk to school every day. Listen
Weight How heavy something is, how many kilograms it is. The boat weighed 1.2 tons Listen


If you think you can walk a long way then try walking like this along the street - I am sure you will get a lot of attention!




Had enough of walking? Then put your feet up, relax and sing along with Nancy Sinatra - "These boots are made for walking"



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