25 June 2014 / by Radmila Gurkova

Eleven great years teaching English. And counting...

OxbridgeTEFL | www.oxbridgetefl.com

It's been eleven years since we first started teaching English in Spain and abroad. On Saint John's night, a big festivity in Barcelona, we were only a few hours of launching Oxbridge.

Sant Joan's night, as the locals call it is one of the most cheerful celebrations with fireworks and bonfires and one of the most beautiful nights of the year in Barcelona. It is also the OxbridgeTEFL's birthday's eve. Recalling Sant Joan's night eleven years ago, I remember ourselves exhausted, nervous, expectant… But also extremely excited, shining with the idea of a new start, touched by the spirit of the festivity. Old demons gone, a new era begins. Ours.

Inspired by Cat Stevens' You can do (Whatever), chosen as soundtrack for Job, the movie about Steve Jobs, we can proudly say that we have done what we dreamt of doing. We made our dream come true with love, dedication and bold decisions.

Today, eleven years later, we still feel the same passion about teaching English in Spain and now also beyond Spanish borders, as the very first day. Or even more, adding the reward of having brought English to so many people in Spain and abroad.

A big thank you to all our teachers that made it possible and to answer, day after day, the question about the best way to teaching English. Many thanks to our administrative staff, who takes good care of all of us and our clients. Many thanks to all those who trusted us and chose us to train them in English or as English teachers!

We hope to keep improving and growing with the same philosophy and good care for our product. The question we first asked: "What is the best way to teach English" still remains the engine of our research and preparation. We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we have!

We can do whatever we want to do! Happy birthday, Oxbridge!


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Friday Fun: The History of English #7
by Radmila Gurkova
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February 2012
They eventually learnt English....
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I ALSO agree with you!
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February 2012
Friday Fun: The History of English #6
by Radmila Gurkova
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February 2012
Kids really brought their imagination…
by Radmila Gurkova
Kids really brought their imagination… Bring shows movement toward the speaker Can you take me a bottle of water? Incorrect Can you bring me a bottle of water? Correct Bring ----> toward speaker A common mistake for English learning is Bring and Take. They ...