03 February 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

Twittering with feathered friends


Are you a “Bird Watcher” Do you know many people who are?

The RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) say that this year there has been a decline in wild birds in the garden.

The RSPB say that this time of year food is scarce leading to a possibility that wild birds will decline in numbers unless humans provide food, especially when it snows or there is a heavy frost!

The RSPB organise a “Birdwatch” weekend every year where they ask many households to monitor, record and note all the birds they see in their gardens and place the information onto their website. The organization can then build a collective record of the amounts of birds in the UK showing species that are either growing or in declining in numbers.

There has been a dip in numbers of various species over the years but expert’s say the lack of numbers are nothing to worry about.

Weather is still expected to worsen over the coming months so keep your bird feeders full and keep a fresh supply of water out there also.

...classic Monty Python Parrot video clip - for all bird watchers!!


  • Do you like to watch birds?

  • Or are they just 'Boring'?!!

  • What type of bird do you like to eat?


Word Image Definition Example Listen
Bird Watcher A person who watches or who keeps watch. Fashion watchers will have noted that pleats have become popular again. Listen
Frost A light covering of ice It was a frosty morning Listen
Snow Frozen rain which falls in winter  It snowed all day Listen
Drop To fall The yen dropped against the dollar since Friday Listen
Scarce Hardly I scarcly believe in you anymore. Listen
Worsen To grow or cause to grow worse The war will worsen next year Listen
Weather What the temperature and climate is like. The weather was beautiful Listen
Bird Flying animal Birds fly over the rainbow Listen
Protection Something you use to stop bad things happening to you I use a gun to protect myself from thieves Listen


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