20 January 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

Roz Savage – Rows across the Pacific and embraces another big adventure


Roz Savage rows solo across many oceans – the Atlantic and the Pacific to name a few.

She has rowed over 8,000 miles and taken over three million oar strokes and spent more than 312 days alone on a 23 foot rowboat.

Roz has a love hate relationship with the ocean and has had many “ocean adventures” and takes her lessons she has learnt on the sea and hopes to apply them to the environmental challenges she and others face today.

She sees herself as an adventurer and only now she can say that because before she took to the oars she worked in London for 11 years in an office as a management consultant. Tired of working in the ‘rat race’ she re-assessed her life and decided where she wanted to be in 10 years. Doing something completely different.

To get “out of her comfort zone” she first rowed 3000 miles across the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to Antigua in the ‘Atlantic Rowing Race’. This was the hardest thing she had ever done. But after climbing out onto dry line from solitary confinement, she said she was “euphoric”.


Word Image Definition Example Listen
Adventurer A person who has, enjoys, or seeks adventures. They thought John was an adventurer and after their daughter's money. Listen
Confinement Incarceration in a guardhouse or prison while awaiting trial or as a punishment He was placed into confinement Listen
Embrace To take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly. They embarced the idea.  Listen
Euphoric Intensely happy or confident She was euphoric when she received the Oscar.  Listen
Oar A long shaft with a broad blade at one end, used as a lever for rowing or otherwise propelling or steering a boat. He put in his oar and was told to mind his own business. Listen
Rat race Doing the same pointless journey again and again I´m so tired...I need to get out of the rat race.  Listen
Solitary Alone; without companions; unattended A solitary existence.  Listen
Stroke A method of moving the arms and legs to push the swimmer forward. I swam a few strokes further out to sea.  Listen
Lessons Something to be learned or studied The manual was broken down into 50 lessons. Listen


Click here to read a post about using the present continuous tense related to this issue.

Click here to read a post to help you learn about prepositions.



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