15 March 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

250 EXTRA hours of daylight a year?


This month we ‘Spring Forward’ and move the clocks on by one hour to move into Summertime. In the UK MP’s are deliberating whether to permanently move the clocks forward by one hour to continuously keep the same time.

By putting the clocks forward, (Spring Forward or Fall Back for the winter months in Autumn), the government wants to create a “Double Summertime” which would effectively give back nearly 250 hours of working daylight for the country, during the whole year.

They feel it will boost economy, help the environment and obviously make people work that much harder. The study, called ‘Time to Change the Clocks’ was compiled by the Conservatives and is now being readied - in order for politicians to vote for the permanent timezone change.

As we ponder on changing the clocks permanently just think what it will do for the United Kingdom: -

  • 100 Fewer deaths from road accidents

  • £200 Million a year saving for the National Health Service due to reduced accidents

  • British Tourism boosted by £2.5 Billion a year

  • Carbon Dioxide Emissions reduced by 2.2 per cent a year


  • Would this work across all countries in the world?

  • Do we need to change the clocks in Spain?

  • Surely a 'summertime' feel would be a negative approach to work?


Word Image Definition Example Listen
Autumn   Leaves begin to fall from the trees and temperatures drop Leaves fall from the trees in Autumn. Listen
Spring Season between winter and summer. Leaves and flowers grow back after winter The season before Summer is Spring. Listen
Summer Time of the year when temperatures are very high I like to go to the beach in Summer. Listen
Forward To send to another address after receiving an email Please forward the email. Listen
Boost To assist in further development or progress I had a boost in my salary Listen
Continuous Uninterrupted in time, in an unbroken series or pattern The music was continuous. Listen
Ponder To weigh up mentally, think deeply about; consider carefully He pondered the reasons why they lost the game Listen
Readied To make ready; prepare. The data was readied for the report Listen

Summertime reminds me of lazy days - drinking Pimms, Ice Cream, walks with the dog in the country and the feel of the warm sun as I lay by a river and just listen to the water rippling by..... Mungo Jerry captured that feeling in their song - 'In The Summertime'. You can sing along with the lyrics....







P2 Grammar Structure: Click here to learn about time

P4 Grammar Structure: Click here to find out more about numbers (millions and billions)


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