31 January 2013 / by Radmila Gurkova

No book library? Bibliotech is coming!

BiblioTech – Country’s First Book-less Library

It sounds like an oxymoron, but come the fall of 2013, San Antonio's Bexar County is going to be home to the BiblioTech, the country's first book-less public library.
• The 4,989 square-foot space will look like a modern library Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff told ABC News. “I was inspired to pursue the project after reading Walter Issacson's Steve Jobs biography”. (A glance at the photo shows that its inspired by Apple in more ways than one.) Instead of aisles and aisles of books there will be aisles and aisles of computers and gadgets.

• ''We all know the world is changing. I am an avid book reader. I read hardcover books; I have a collection of 1,000 first editions. Books are important to me,'' Wolff told ABC News. ''But the world is changing and this is the best, most effective way to bring services to our community.''

• Library goers will be able to take out books on any of the devices in the library, take out one of the 50 e-readers for a period of time or bring their own e-readers to the library and load books onto their own devices.

• The library will also be partnering with e-book providers or distributors to provide access to over 10,000 titles. The hope is to add to that collection annually.

• ''You will be able to check out a book, read it on-site. It will be a learning environment -- you'll be able to learn about technology itself as well as access a tremendous amount of information,'' Wolff said. There will also be a children's area with interactive tables and interactive walls. Wolff also said the library is exploring adding other media to the library, like movies and music.

But it won't be a completely paper-free library. ''The only thing I believe we will charge for is if you want to print out something,'' Wolff said with a chuckle.

Would you go to this library?
Do you think that e-books are better than paper books? Why/Why not?
What are some advantages/disadvantages of using e-books to printed books?
What would you change or add to Bibliotech to make it better?



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