13 January 2012 / by Radmila Gurkova

Mystery “GOLD BARS” Found on Paris Train are Fake


A suitcase containing an estimated $1 million in gold bars was abandoned on a commuter train near Paris, but police now say the 20 gold bars were fake.

The ingots would have been worth around 800,000 Euros ($1m; £670,000) if they had been genuine. The bars, made from a base metal were lightly coated with a thin layer of gold.

Investigators are baffled as to why the fake bars were made and more importantly, who had left them behind on the train. Suggestions include that they are part of a worldwide scam cashing in on the extortionate current high price of gold. Jewelers in Paris have queues outside of people looking to cash in on family valuables as a way of helping the family economy.

The find had prompted speculation that if classed as "treasure," the bars could be shared between the Paris transport operator and the conductor who found it.


  • What would you do if you found Gold Bars on a train?

  • Do you think they were left there on purpose for the general public?

  • Is gold the only safe investment today?

  • What would you do with €1m?


Definition Example Listen
Fake Anything made to appear otherwise than it actually is The watch was fake. Listen
Abandoned When something/someone is left behind and no longer wanted. When the lions grow up the owners abandon them. Listen
Mystery Stories with characters who try to solve a crime or unexplained event. The masked guest is an absolute mystery to everyone. Listen
Baffled Confused/perplexed He was baffled by the technical language of the instructions. Listen
Extortionate MUCH TOO HIGH Extortionate prices. Listen
Scam A dishonest scheme; a fraud Work-at-home offers are usually scams. Listen
Prompted To move or induce to action What prompted you to say that? Listen
Speculation A process of consideration, contemplation There was speculation that the girl was pregnant. Listen
Ruling Group of rules / Authoritative desicions The new gender ruling could cost millions to inssurance companies. Listen



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